

Your Trusted Plumbing Services in Queenstown & Surrounds


30 Years In The Industry


Safe & Reliable Gas Solutions


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frequently asked questions

I want to buy a kitchen tap for my kitchen sink, is there anything I need to consider2021-09-01T00:18:15+12:00

Are you on mains pressure or low pressure hot water? Some mixers especially pull out spray mixers are not typically suitable for low pressure systems  


How do I know if I have low pressure or mains pressure hot water2021-09-01T00:40:04+12:00

The pressure of the hot water system is determined by either the cylinder type and valves  or if you have a continuous water heater then they operate on mains pressure.


What’s the difference between a mains pressure hot water heater and a low pressure hot water heater?2021-09-01T00:40:43+12:00

The low pressure hot water heater is typically made from copper and has a pressure reducing valve (big UFO looking valve before the hot water heater). A header pipe through the roof is another good indicator. You can often hold your finger over the hot water tap outlet and no water comes out when you first turn the tap on (don’t scald yourself) 

A mains pressure hot water heater is made from either steel lined with enamel or stainless steel now. The valve train is more involved and the hot water and cold water are equal pressure. 


We are looking to upgrade our bathroom, how much does it cost and where do we start2021-09-01T00:41:46+12:00

This is a big question with many variables. Things to consider are the size of your bathroom, high-end fixtures or lower end fixtures, just replacing the fixtures only or shifting the positions around.

Reach out to us to discuss, and we may be able to have a more in depth discussion to assist you. 



Can I put a waste master in my kitchen sink2021-09-01T00:42:33+12:00

If you are on a septic tank, my advice is, no. However, if you are on town sewer then it is possible however just check with your district authority. 


Can I change my electric hob to a gas one2021-09-01T00:43:08+12:00

Yes. A new gas pipe may be required to be run to existing gas supply or to a new gas supply.


My gas continuous water heater is not working2021-09-01T00:57:31+12:00

Have you got power to the water heater, or have you tried turning the power off for 5 seconds and then back on? (If you have a controller in the bathroom or kitchen, then take note of the code on the screen first)

Are you on gas bottles? And have you run out of gas? 

Should these basic steps not work, we advise getting in contact with us here and a technician can take a closer look at the unit. Ensure that you give the details of the model  of water heater to the office person taking the call.



I have no hot water2021-09-01T00:58:59+12:00

Are you on electric or gas? If you are on gas, check if you have gas elsewhere in the house i.e. gas cooker or your bottles are not empty. 

If you are on electricity, do you have power elsewhere in the house? Has the HWC fuse tripped in the fuse board (located typically in the house for new homes) 

Has the power switch been knocked off in the cupboard from a broom or other item (yes it happens) We are here to help.


My water pressure is very low2021-09-01T01:00:05+12:00

If you are on town supply, then check the following:

Cold pressure the same as the hot? Yes, then contact us to investigate.

No – You may be on low pressure hot water or   

Pump supply – has the pump filter become blocked 


Will there still be gas available after 2025?2021-09-01T01:01:34+12:00

Gas energy is here to stay.

The Climate Change Commission has not proposed a ban on new gas connections from 2025 but instead recommend the government sets a date, once a national energy strategy is developed and there is more clarity around the contribution future gases can make in decarbonising New Zealand’s energy supply.

You can also be confident that you can use any natural gas or LPG appliances in your home for their expected lifetime.
Current LPG appliances are fully compatible with BioLPG, and modern gas appliances are already able to run on a blend of natural gas and renewable hydrogen gas (up to 20%) or biogas. New compatible appliances will become widely available as we scale up towards a more renewable gas energy future. Gas energy is here to stay, but it will be changing. What isn’t changing is the value and benefits you get living in a home energised by gas. Reference https://www.gasenergy.org.nz/future-sure


What to do if you have a burst water pipe?2021-09-01T01:02:07+12:00

If you suspect a water leak, you should contact a professional plumber as soon as possible. Don’t delay – ignoring a leak can lead to more damage to your property. If you have a leaking or burst pipe in your home, you should turn off your water immediately. You can do this by turning the water main off at your boundary (usually in a blue or black lidded box or metal round lid.


What do I do if my tap or toilet keep running2021-09-01T01:03:09+12:00

No one wants to waste water.

A dripping tap can waste over 1,000 litres (one cubic metre) of water each day, while your average 5kg washing machine uses about 120 litres for a single wash.


Who is responsible for the toby (water supply valve)?2021-09-01T01:04:26+12:00

Every property has a water toby, like a tap or a valve, which carries water from the public water supply into your property. The council are responsible for everything up to and including the toby. Any problem beyond the toby is the responsibility of the property owner. If you have a broken water toby, or you notice a water leak on Council property, please call us or fill out our Fix It form. Reference https://www.qldc.govt.nz/services/water-services/water-supply/water-leaks



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